I love hearing and sharing other people's stories
Maggie Leithead (Pronouns: she/her)
Hi, I'm Maggie (she/her) and I’ve always told stories.
When I was six, they were about spaceship travel and talking animals.
At sixteen, they were about unrequited love, invariably with a dash of cynicism and yearning (and usually with The Smiths as the soundtrack).
Turning twenty-six, the stories turned to paid gigs about companies trying to do good in the world.
At thirty-six, they were tales from the trenches of Canada’s nonprofit sector: who was doing what to make our communities a little kinder, gentler, and move us all forward together.
When I was forty-six, I finally realized that it was the stories from the early years that were calling me back -- the stories of love and loss. Those intimate tales of connection that are so universal but also so completely unique.
Those are the stories that I’m most compelled to tell these days. Your stories. How you met. What ignited the spark between you. What caused it to grow from a gentle ember into something so precious that you want to tend it carefully for years to come.
I'm also drawn to the stories that celebrate a life and help you navigate through your loss. Whether someone has been with you for your lifetime or only a few precious moments, their story is worth hearing and sharing faithfully.
Those are the stories that I’m fortunate and grateful to tell these days. I can’t wait to hear and share yours with your friends and family, so give me a shout and let's connect.
Want to know anything else about me? Just ask!
All the best,